Each answer contains a question: Do you think the person/character/concept is more Right-Wing (YES) or more Left-Wing (NO)? Bet YES, or NO, according to your opinion. 1 person = 1 vote (per answer), so having more shares does not make your vote count for more.
Heavily inspired from @Joshua's excellent market,
You can submit any person/character/concept (shortened to p/c/c for the rest of the description), as well as a link / short phrase to give traders some context. If other people trade on your submission, you'll get mana off of their transaction fees (edit may 29: currently not true, but I believe it is being implemented currently).
I may N/A options for quality control, or edit them to provide a more neutral summary.
As a trader, you should buy any amount of YES in p/c/c you think are Right-Wing, buy any amount of NO in p/c/c you think are Left-Wing. I will leave the definition of those terms up to you. The amount of shares doesn't matter for the resolution, one share of yes is one vote and one hundred shares of yes is also one vote.
If I think you are voting purely as a troll, such as buying no in every option, I may block you or disregard your votes. Please vote in good faith! But hey, I can't read your mind. Ultimately this market is on the honor system.
Note that market prices will be a bit strange here, because this is simultaneously a market and a poll. If you sell your shares, you are also removing your vote.
The market will close every every week; See the close date to know on what day. I will then check the positions tab on options that have been submitted.
If there is a clear majority of YES holders, the option resolves YES.
If there is a clear majority of NO holders, the option resolves NO.
If it's very close and votes are still coming in, the option will remain un-resolved.
The market will then re-open for new submissions, with a new close date the next week. This continues as long as I think the market is worth running.
It does not matter what % the market is at, and bots holding a position are also counted.
Some guidlines:
I encourage you not to bet options to extremes (1% or 99%) before a quite clear majority has been established. Otherwise, it prevents others from betting toward that extreme, and can bias the results.
I may update these exact criteria to better match the spirit of the question if anyone has any good suggestions, so please leave a comment if you do.
Possible clarification from creator (AI generated): Options will only be resolved if they have at least 10 traders total and there is a significant difference in yes/no traders. This will be tested for a few weeks.
@Gameknight copy-paste of my previous response buried in the comments months ago:
Based on my experiment with pink capitalism and nazbolism, it seems like the voters here think social policy (progressive vs traditionalist/reactionary) is more deciding than economic policy (communist vs capitalist)
Ancom homofash is to try layering multiple leftist positions (no state, no capitalists, yes homosexuality) to see how many it takes to outweigh one rightist social position (no nonwhites)
Anarchist: no centralised state, absolute democracy
Communist: decentralised planned economy, worker-owned means of production
Homofascism: equality for LGBT+ but genocidal extermination/enslavement for other races / disabled, imperialist military expansion
I'm not saying they're philosophically coherent, nor commonly found, but a small number do exist
@KimberlyWilberLIgt it's interesting. On foreign policy I've gone from hippy to neocon while I've become even more left on social issues and more neoliberal/globalist on topics like immigration and foreign trade. Hard to put this all on one spectrum.
@PlasmaBallin This is also super interesting to me. Do folks think the “average American” is drifting left?
@KimberlyWilberLIgt Obergefell was in 2015, within the last ten years. We went from Obama in 2008 saying he was against gay marriage to Donald Trump saying that Caitlyn Jenner can use whatever bathroom she wants. So we have moved left on some social issues.
@nathanwei Donald Trump says a lot of sh*t, a lot of self-contradictory sh*t too. Just recently he went back on his promise to lower grocery prices by saying it's "you know, very hard" to lower prices after they've already gone up. Going off of what he says is like choosing how to live your life each day by looking at a randomly generated number produced at the start of the day.
@KimberlyWilberLIgt The one where Scott Alexander catches mainstream media hit pieces for being too right-wing.
@chaos I mean like, genuinely, why? Luigi had leftist beliefs as of this summer… I can think of two potential reasons folks might view him as RW, but I don’t agree:
His letter, which mentions having a lot of respect for the feds and “what they do for the country;”
RW people viewing any attack against the “elite” as RW
Would be deeply curious to hear from folks who voted YES here
i could be wrong about this. The Wikipedia page for “Killing of Brian Thompson” says
[Luigi’s] social media routinely expressed concerns over pornography, DEI programs, fertility rates, "wokeism", secularization, and the decline of Christianity, and promoted traditionalist ideas
@Kraalnaxx He does also insult Obama, so maybe that's why people see it as RW. Plus, I would still consider disapproval of piss fetishes and adultery to be RW if I had to pick - sure, there are plenty of LW people who also disapprove, but that doesn't mean there's no political valence at all.
@PlasmaBallin Nono, in universe the propaganda (domination of news channels through his vertically-integrated Egg TV media empire), fascist imagery (uniformed robot soldiers suppressing the populace by force), anti-union and anti-labor stance (wants to replace workers with robots to better exploit his capital), and anti-environmentalist views (of Planet Mobius as a resource that can be exploited for his own capital gains) are all what make Eggman right wing.
Eggman’s ideology is highly nationalistic and authoritarian, albeit with something of a twisted humanist, utopian bent.
Out of universe, Yuji Naka originally intended Sonic to be an environmentalist story. He contrasted Sonic and his friends’ harmony with nature with Dr. Eggman’s exploitation of it. A modern audience might simply interpret him as “villain-coded,” but the original text was intended to be read as Eggman’s “evil nature” stemming from his exploitation of the forest.
@KimberlyWilberLIgt This would only matter if Eggman's announcement was actually a canonical part of the fictional universe where any of those are true. In the Snapcube fandubs, which is what the announcement comes from, Eggman is portrayed very differently from the games.
@PlasmaBallin the average American from today would be considered insanely anti-immigration ten years ago
@AlexanderTheGreater wouldn't that be a right wing American though? The election was close enough and with low enough turnout that the average American is probably a non voting apolitical
@TheAllMemeingEye I think you're both saying the same thing. An American today is right wing compared to an American from 10 years ago, so an American from 10 years ago is left wing compared to an American today.
Or have I misunderstood your point?
@Fion I'm saying an average American has barely changed in 10y because the average is an apolitical non voter, with the republicans going from right wing to far right, and the democrats going from centrist to very slightly left leaning, and a sizable portion of the population becoming even more radically right/left than the parties themselves
@TheAllMemeingEye It seems like even moderate Democrats are now somehow concerned about immigration. This was more of a topic that divided parties very recently
@TheAllMemeingEye no, moderate democrats are definitely concerned about immigration. It was trump's strongest issue because even most centrists and left leaning people are worried about it.
@AlexanderTheGreater I'm on the fence about whether Americans have become more anti immigration. Most Americans want less (undocumented/refugee) immigration than we have now but we have a lot more of it than we did a decade ago. Of we went back to the 2014 baseline that might change.