Many years, a LessWrong survey / census has been run, asking a variety of questions. There were gaps in 2018, 2019, and 2021, with surveys re-starting in 2022 and 2023. In the 2022 survey, 34% of people were libertarians, 27% were liberals, and 16% were social democrats. In the 2023 survey, 32% of people were liberals, 25% were libertarians, and 22% were social democrats. What will the most popular political affiliation be in the 2024 survey?
Since the survey is unofficial, I will use my own judgement in deciding what counts as "the" survey but I expect it to be obvious (basically the most prominent survey claiming to be "the" LW 2024 survey). If there is no 2024 LW survey, I will resolve this N/A.
It would be interesting to allow people to choose multiple answers, to see how big of an overlap there is between Social Democrat and Liberal. 😂