Order of parties in the answer does not matter, "CDU - SPD" is equivalent to "SPD - CDU".
Feel free to add additional answers if you feel like it!
Have fun predicting!
Update 2025-01-29 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Resolution Criteria:
Only the parties that actually form the government will be considered for resolution.
Added the option "Union alone".
@LudwigBald how will this resolve in case of a minority government? Only to the parties that form the government, or also to the parties that vote for it? (apparently the latter is the case for the metaculus question)
@dp9000 I will resolve only to the parties that actually form the government. I have added the option "Union alone". Go place your bets as appropriate!
@LudwigBald What about a CDU/CSU minority government which
a) includes ministers who aren't party members (think part "Expertenregierung")
b) includes ministers from other parties, but there is no official coalition
Which of those will resolve "Union alone" or "other"? (I know this is highly unlikely, but politica seems to keep moving towards ever weirder outcomes)