Related ACX post Declining Sperm Count: Much More Than You Wanted To Know. I will go off of some combination of how sure scientists are that it matters, vs. how big scientists think the effect is.
Will this be based on what the science actually suggests or based on what prominent scientists are willing to say in public? Think of the difference between those two on anything remotely touching race in the last few years, for example.
@connorwilliams97 That's a fair observation. We'll probably focus on the publicly expressed opinions, as we can't truly know what's going on in people's minds
Sedentary lifestyle?
Frequent masturbation (regardless of porn or not)?
I can't believe they're still allowed to put Pthalates in OTC pills
If it turns out that counts have been lower because of worse compliance with instructions to refrain from ejaculation in advance of sampling, would that be decline or not?
@JeffKaufman I bought some based on guessing yes, but less than I would have if I was sure it was a yes.