A space elevator is currently conceived as a cable fixed to the equator and reaching into space. A counterweight at the upper end keeps the center of mass well above geostationary orbit level. This produces enough upward centrifugal force from planet's rotation to fully counter the downward gravity, keeping the cable upright and taut. With the tether deployed, climbers (crawlers) could repeatedly climb up and down the tether by mechanical means, releasing their cargo to and from orbit for a lower cost than sending shuttles.
This market resolves true when such transportation system is first constructed in any planet or natural satellite. The name won't necessarily have to be "space elevator" and the structure won't necessarily need to be like what we described above, as long as it is a contineous structure that goes from ground to orbit.
@eccentricity if the ring is connected to the ground through the tether that allows cargo to move from the ground up, then yes :)