You should try Mother of Learning by Nobody103. It's a cross between Harry Potter and Groundhog Day. The protagonist finds himself living the same month over and over. As time goes on he becomes more skilled / knowledgeable and learns about the nature of the time loop.
It's considered rational fiction, so you might find it less frustrating. The book isn't very heavy or deep, but it's a lot of fun, and had some interesting ideas.
"How to Win Friends and Influence people" was the difference for me between being alone in the dorms or actually making friends during the 1 semester I stayed, while not even going to courses themselves.
Please for the love of god read Book of the New Sun if you haven’t yet. Life changing (for me at least)
I like Dystopian/Post-apocalyptic books so here are some
Have you read Legend by Marie Lu
The House of Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beff Pfeffer
Here are some great classics you probably read but here.
Animal Farm by George Orwell
1984 By George Orwell
Here are one poem I like
The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
Philosophical stories, well written, three genres:
deleted because of information hazard
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (non-fiction, but a classic)
"This book delves into the captivating realm of Sapiens, where the cognitive revolution ignited the spark of humanity's extraordinary ascent. Explore how our ancestors' ability to think, communicate, and cooperate reshaped the course of history, unraveling the mysteries of how Homo sapiens emerged as the dominant species on Earth."
A must read at least once in my opinion is "Flatland" by Edwin A. Abbott. First published in 1884 and still insightful. The writing style of old sci-fi like this reads more like fantasy to me but not everyone I've talked to about it agrees. Great book to break your brain a little <3