Resolution Criteria:
This question will resolve to Yes if, before January 1st 2030, a formal declaration is publicly released by a group of experts, stating that computers should be considered to possess consciousness.
Each of these criteria must be met:
The declaration must be an official, publicly released document by a reputable institution or published in a peer reviewed science journal.
The declaration must be signed by at least 10 experts.
Each signatory must hold a PhD from an accredited university and in a relevant field (e.g., neuroscience, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind).
Each signatory must hold a faculty or research position at an accredited university or research institution or reputable company.
Each signatory must have a past history of published peer-reviewed scientific research which may include computer science.
Also what objective standard are you using for validity of PhD, accreditation of university, reputability of company etc?
What exact definition of consciousness are you using? There may be such a declaration that rather than directly using that word gives a more precise description in a grey area
@TheAllMemeingEye I don’t have a good definition of consciousness. People don’t agree on a good definition. That is why I have the expert agreement as a requirement for the resolution criteria.